What Our Clients Are Saying
About MarkBook®


[MarkBook] worked out really well, everyone liked the levels. They also liked the Mark Sets. The kids got to the point in several classes of wanting to see their levels etc. The weighting feature made it much easier to balance the courses. The feature of a number of assignments in each category was well received as well... extremely positive comments from parents, students, and especially staff... thanks very much for all your hard work to make the program so user-friendly

I have been using MarkBook for two years now. From the moment I began using it, I realized MarkBook was head and shoulders above the other software I had been testing. The updates you come up with each year are testament to your continued commitment to educators everywhere. Your software makes comprehensive marks management both efficient and effortless.

A great product! I have used MarkBook now for two years and love it. I teach Adult Education and with four terms a year this is a great time saver. My students love it as well when they get their marks at mid term and the end of the term privately each student on a new sheet!

I love the improvements MarkBook... made with regards to the generation of HTML pages. I used to take the pages into *********** to do what can now be done inside the program. Awesome!

...MarkBook continues to be a wonderful catalyst for extended discussions re: Assessment and Evaluation, and in many cases, it's the single most important thing that has helped teachers move forward in their practice.

I continue to be impressed with your almost magical products for teachers. [MarkBook] actually affords us more time to do the hands-on teaching activities.

Wow, thanks for the speedy reply on a Sunday no less!

Just a quick note of appreciation from myself and the middle school staff (for) MarkBook (software). (Our) middle school (grades 5 - 8) report cards have anecdotal remarks for each student for each subject, 9 subjects in total, reporting on 3 strands in English and 5 stands in math. In the past, teachers have gone bonkers at reporting times due to all of these comments and marks...(Now)... when it comes to... creating classes, recording marks in different categories, attaching names to multi-subject class teachers and using the array of comment banks on the MarkBook website, I am known as Superman. The teachers are amazed at the power of (MarkBook...).