What Our Clients Are Saying
About MarkBook®


Just a quick note of appreciation from myself and the middle school staff (for) MarkBook (software). (Our) middle school (grades 5 - 8) report cards have anecdotal remarks for each student for each subject, 9 subjects in total, reporting on 3 strands in English and 5 stands in math. In the past, teachers have gone bonkers at reporting times due to all of these comments and marks...(Now)... when it comes to... creating classes, recording marks in different categories, attaching names to multi-subject class teachers and using the array of comment banks on the MarkBook website, I am known as Superman. The teachers are amazed at the power of (MarkBook...).

I have frequently looked through the material contained on the WWW and your product is a clear leader offering exactly I want.

You are very kind to send such a lengthy and helpful response. As a consumer this will be maintained in the back of my mind for future purchases (I call it good business). Thanks again.

Awesome, I love it when software designers that listen to their "real world" users...many teachers have never heard of the concept of "mega-entry" but you should see their eyes light up when you explain it to them!!!!!!!!!!

WOW. Just when I thought customer service was extinct. You guys and gals are AMAZING. Thanks for all your help.

Wow! I'm so impressed with the new version [of MarkBook CNX]. Thanks for your help!

I have so relied on [MarkBook], I couldn't bear to be without this year's version.

I continue to be impressed with your almost magical products for teachers. [MarkBook] actually affords us more time to do hands-on teaching activities.