What Our Clients Are Saying
About MarkBook®





Many thanks. I have placed an order for (next year's version of MarkBook), and I look forward to seeing it. This has to be the fastest technical support response I've ever had!



It is quite simply the best piece of educational software I have ever used.



I am thrilled that MarkBook... provides median marks as well as average marks - the kids are highly motivated by the statistics I can give them about class achievement and they love their own printouts which I provide twice a semester. MarkBook is also a wonderful way to inform the administration, special education teachers, and the parents of student progress and problems. I saved hours of time and thousands of key strokes by using MarkBook this semester. Thank you for developing this software for teachers!!!!



Awesome, I love it when software designers that listen to their "real world" users...many teachers have never heard of the concept of "mega-entry" but you should see their eyes light up when you explain it to them!!!!!!!!!!



My technology director tried unsuccessfully to get me to switch from your software to the "school" software. The man even tried to convince me that I'd never go back after trying their software... he abruptly gave up when I showed him a student report with graphs and such.



I have used spreadsheets since 1989. The printouts were not very easy to read and it used to take hours to crunch the numbers - I had to design my own columns and rows and fonts and the possibility of formula errors meant checking and rechecking constantly. This semester however I discovered MarkBook... and it was amazing. At first I kept updating my spreadsheets because I couldn't believe that MarkBook was as simple and reliable as it appeared. It is the perfect program for this English teacher. Teaching a new curriculum with new expectations means my marks must reflect the new categories, strands, and learning skills for the new report cards. Such reporting takes 2 minutes using MarkBook.



Thanks so much for your solutions. I've been using (Markbook) for several years and it keeps getting better and better. Thanks for a great program and more importantly your continued support.



You are very kind to send such a lengthy and helpful response. As a consumer this will be maintained in the back of my mind for future purchases (I call it good business). Thanks again.