What Our Clients Are Saying
About MarkBook®
I have been using (MarkBook) for 4 years since reading about it in a teacher's journal. It is a fantastic tool that allows me to keep an electronic (grade book) on each of my classes... students and parents love (MarkBook) - they get wildly excited over their position in the class and parents appreciate the professional quality of the reports it generates. It puts me in control of assessment and is of great interest to my colleagues many of whom have taken the package up.
You have really started a wave, and we are finally having super conversations about the underlying issues around assessment! Your presentation has done so much more for our PD here than you will ever know.
The support we teachers get with MarkBook is outstanding and is greatly appreciated. Once again, thanks!
I love this program because it saves time and prevents arguments. Yes! Arguments are a big part of school systems. Parents and students argue with teachers about the grades. This program is hard to argue with. It just like having Sergeant Friday of Dragnet at every meeting. He is instantly saying "just the facts ma'am"... as a result, educators no longer spend more time defending how they gave that grade.
Thanks again for a great product.
Thanks again for your prompt assistance. Our school has loved MarkBook for a couple of years now and last year we adopted the Markbook report as our report card for the school. It became a huge time saver for our staff and our students and parents liked the updated email reports that many teachers were sending!
I like the attendance and text book features... [MarkBook is] useful over and beyond its mark management capability.
Greetings to the wonderful team at MarkBook!