What Our Clients Are Saying
About MarkBook®
I have been using MarkBook for two years now and think it is a wonderful program.
Our parents now insist on interim reports with the graph. It's astonishing how fast their standards and expectations change! You really raised the bar on report cards.
[MarkBook] worked out really well, everyone liked the levels. They also liked the Mark Sets. The kids got to the point in several classes of wanting to see their levels etc. The weighting feature made it much easier to balance the courses. The feature of a number of assignments in each category was well received as well... extremely positive comments from parents, students, and especially staff... thanks very much for all your hard work to make the program so user friendly.
...thanks so much... for an amazing program. It almost makes me regret being retired from teaching and only picking up contract work. Almost... but for now, I’m teaching the entire semester and MarkBook’s definitely the way to go
Hello Friends, it's that time again, and I'd like to order my new copy of MarkBook.
I love this program because it saves time and prevents arguments. Yes! Arguments are a big part of school systems. Parents and students argue with teachers about the grades. This program is hard to argue with. It just like having Sergeant Friday of Dragnet at every meeting. He is instantly saying "just the facts ma'am"... as a result, educators no longer spend more time defending how they gave that grade.
...Markbook continues to be a wonderful catalyst for extended discussions re Assessment and Evaluation, and in many cases, it's the single most important thing that has helped teachers move forward in their practice.
Your solution works like a charm! I can't say how much I appreciate your commitment to product support - it just doesn't get any better than this. I shall be raving about it all over our district.